Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I'm Back

That's right, you heard me. I Am Back. I used to be over at Oh For Pete's Sake but I figured since I haven't blogged in a kazillion years, I should start fresh. Not that you can't go over there and see how flippin psycho I was, and STILL am. Feel free to check it out.  I will deny everything.

 I can't even explain where I have been between that blog and this one. I think I've been here, at home, trying to keep house, work full-time, and teach children right from wrong.  But most days I'm cleaning up messes, busting my ass at work, and keeping the shorties (aka my two youngest) from killing each other.  When I'm not doing that, I'm a wife.  It's true.  I have the papers to prove it.

Ok ok, so the mister and I have issues, but isn't that what makes us unique?  There is no perfect marriage, and after 8 years, we have almost perfected this.  I know he's perfect at snoring and keeping me awake most nights.  I know he's perfect at leaving facial stubble in the sink right after I've cleaned the bathroom.  And he's also perfect at falling asleep wherever his ass lands any time after 6pm.

On the other hand, he knows I'm perfect at finding the one thing that is out of place, even if he has picked up all the other things.  He is CERTAIN that I will notice when he has started a load of his own clothes and left them in the dryer all week long done his laundry.  He is well aware that I can be the perfect biotch, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

So, that's where I've been.  PERFECTING my marriage.  It's been a rough road, but I think we almost have it together.

So, .  There's more to come.

See you on the flip side!

Just T.

1 comment:

  1. Well hello Just T. It's nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more about your adventures. Good luck perfecting the marriage. Mrs. Shife and I have been together for 18 years and it takes work. And it's really hard sometimes putting in the work when you are tired from your job and taking care of the kiddos. I'm glad you visited my blog and congrats on being the 100th follower. You do deserve a prize. If you like my blog then you might like my book. Send me an email at and I can mail you a copy. I'll even sign it for you. That's of course if you want it. Have a nice weekend.
